You're still not anonymous on Looped
Looped update
After reading my post from yesterday, Looped took action and
implemented a fix to stop hemorrhaging data. If we take a look at the data for
the main feed again, we see that every creatorId
appears as -1
. This means
that historical Looped post data is now anonymous – to us, at least. Looped
still knows who you are.

Kudos to the Looped team for fixing this within a matter of hours on a Sunday afternoon.
Missed a spot
When someone creates a post, Looped pushes the post to your device, and the “new posts” bubble pops up at the top of the feed. Surprisingly, this data contains the creator’s id, name, handle, and profile picture. No phonebooks required.

Photo EXIF data
Cameras and phones attach EXIF metadata to every photo they take, and it encodes things like camera settings (aperture, exposure time, focal length), photo orientation, camera/phone model, GPS location, and timestamp. Data like this allowed authorities to catch a member of Anonymous in 2012. Most social networks made by people who know what they’re doing, like Facebook and Twitter, scrub this data due to its obvious potential for abuse. Not Looped.

If we download this photo of an H-shaped balloon stuck to the Sharples ceiling, the EXIF data shows that the person who posted it took it using a Motorola Moto G7 at 12:08 AM (Crumb Cafe closing time) at the coordinates 39.903304 N, 75.353825 W. How many people do you know own a Moto G7?
It’s easy to imagine a scenario in which posting a photo with EXIF data attached could put someone in danger or legal trouble.

It is still possible to find the identities related to Looped anonymous posts. Metadata attached to photos you take and post on Looped may give away your location.
The Looped team was able to address the bug I wrote about yesterday, but they are evidently more interested in applying bandaids to issues as they come, rather than addressing root causes or architecting a secure solution to keep Looped users safe. Their passive approach to security is irresponsible and dangerous.